A blog for fatties.

For people who live to eat--not eat to live.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Poor, misunderstood mâche

Those of you who know me and have dined with me know of my penchant for mâche. I am a mâche addict. I used to drive all the way to the Hunt Valley Wegman's just to buy the stuff. Sadly, it appears they have since stopped carrying it. Apparently no one was buying it but me. Why? My belief is fear of the unknown. If you haven't tasted it, you won't buy it. Am I right? Before I continue further, some of you may be thinking, what the hell is mâche anyway? For those of you who aren't "in the know," mâche, pronounced "mosh" (you know, that crazy, violent dancing that meatheads do at rock concerts) is a soft, nutty-flavored leafy green. At nicer restaurants you may see it used as a garnish beside a dish. People, it is an edible garnish. Trust me when I say this, it tastes good!

I used to wait tables. Never in my history of "servitude," (pun wholeheartedly intended) have I seen a more obscene waste of perfectly good produce than that of mâche. Time after time, watching those beautiful green petals scraped off of plates into the trash can, simply infuriated me. Didn't your mom teach you to eat your vegetables? I found myself holding back the urge to utter to guests, "You can eat that, you know?"

Chances are, if you like most varieties of lettuce--you'll like mâche. If you don't like lettuce, just stop reading now. For that matter, go eat a twinkie or something. You don't belong here so get out! Sorry...just had to let out some of that repressed anger...where was I? Oh yes, also known as lamb's lettuce, it is high in beta carotene, vitamins A and C, low in sodium and calories and also a great source of iron, folic acid, potassium and fiber. Wow, it is healthy AND tastes good.

There is only one problem. Where does one find this mâche? My friend Darka spotted it at Trader Joe's in Columbia. Occasionally you can find it at Roots Market in Clarksville. If any of you spot the ever elusive mâche at your local grocers, please feel free to post the location here. As it is, I have decided to cultivate my own. Vive la mâche!

A simple mâche salad:

mâche greens
campari tomatoes sliced
pignioli (pine nuts)
chevre (goat cheese)
extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

Further reading on mâche: "Mache: America's Next Lettuce Love?"